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4. Documents Needed for GMC Registration

Writer's picture: Dr. Jhiamluka SolanoDr. Jhiamluka Solano

Updated: Jan 22

There is a document you must have ready before beginning your journey and for registration, as you will need to complete validation through EPIC:

  1. Diploma (copy) and translation

Additionally, there are documents you will need just before applying for registration with the GMC:

  1. Original Certificate from the Honour Tribunal of the Medical College (Honduras) and proof of provisional registration, whether you required it or not during your social service, with its corresponding translation.Link to find out where to request it in your country: For Hondurans, at the CMH, you can ask CENEMEC for a certificate confirming that you have not been sued or suspended for medical malpractice. It is free, but you must be up to date with CMH payments. It is valid for only three months.

  2. Original certificate of Academic IELTS, which is valid for two years and must still be valid at the time of applying for registration.

  3. Proof of Internship and translation: A letter from the university (Faculty of Medicine) stating the dates of each rotation, start and end dates.

  4. Proof of Medical Social Service: A letter from the university (Faculty of Medicine) indicating the location, duration, start and end dates, and the department where you worked, for example, (Outpatient Care in a Health Centre). This is only to justify what you did during that time. If you were not required to do social service, it is not necessary.

  5. Copy of your passport

In some cases, if your university is not listed in the GMC system but is in the World Directory of Medical Schools, you will need to fill out additional information. In Honduras, UNICAH and UNAH have already been registered.

I hope this post helps you understand the process more clearly and navigate the blog more effectively. Don’t hesitate to ask questions via the blog, social media, email, or book your 1:1 advising meeting today.

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Hola Dr. Solano, mi nombre es Aarón, quiero comentarle que es un muy buen post, aunque tengo unas dudas acerca del documento guía. El dicho documento guía en el primer apartado se menciona que debemos tener copia de las cartas de evidencia de nuestras rotaciones clínicas de pregrado así como de la duración de nuestro programa universitario, esas cartas son necesarias? Porque en el documento donde nos hizo el favor de enseñarnos qué documentos usó usted no vienen dichas cartas, espero su respuesta, de antemano gracias, saludos desde México!

Aaron E.M
Aaron E.M
Mar 23, 2023
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Gracias por la aclaración doctor! Saludos!

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